I love the game of golf and the camaraderie it breeds, but nothing chaps my cheeks more than people who don’t play ready golf. It breaks the rhythm of the game when players can’t find or decide which club to use, and when they do, take five practice swings. (I’ve yet to see a correlation between good golf and the number of practice swings taken. Don’t get me started on putting.)
I don’t care if you play to double par (been known to do it myself), but I care that you keep up pace of play. That can be hard to do when you’re facing your golf bag and it’s 14 clubs and have no clue which club is your 9 wood. By the time you get to your ball you have a pretty good idea of the terrain, the distance you need to cover and (fingers crossed) the club that’ll get the job done. Yet you stand there removing and replacing those kitschy knitted covers with the enormous pom poms, trying to find your 6 rescue or your 4 wood – while everyone else waits. How great would it be to have your 5W, 7W, 4R and 6R readily identifiable and quick to grab?
The one thing I know for sure is that you buy my products because you like them and take pride in your appearance. You pay attention to details like I do. Practicality is as important as looks in my book, so when I design something new that I think will make a difference to your golf game, I want you to know about it. I only make things that I need and use myself, and love the fact that we can all identify our club heads and put our names on our covers and match our bags now. Ready golf is achievable and the days of digging through the lost and found in the pro shop looking for a lost club cover are over.
No reason pretty can’t be practical, too. Our matching waterproof ditty bag and absorbent microfiber towel keep your phone and hands dry if the weather changes. Both clip onto your golf bag for easy access. (No more velour for me. This wondrous golf towel actually does what a towel is supposed to do – it absorbs moisture.)

We’re giving you 9 colors to choose from that coordinate with the majority of golf bags on the market today. So consider it the ultimate celebration of your femininity – and commitment to ready golf – to get those custom wisteria or fuchsia or lime covers – and play your round in under four. Look great. Play great. (Rinse. Repeat.)
You might want to consider these for your husbands, brothers, sons or significant others, too. The club-head-confusion-excess-practice-swing thing is not the exclusive domain of women. In fact…nevermind. My very evolved dentist (Donald) bought a set and that manly PGA instructor at Bethpage Black (Jeff) is rigged out, too. Pretty may not be their thing, but practical definitely is. They went all weak in the knees with the NAME IT! club-head feature and the personalized ID. Had to break out the smelling salts. (Both chose the ruby covers on the right by the way. Nothing girlie about those.)
Bottom line: playtime is important. We’re here for the love of doing it in style. We think you are, too!