Dan’s Paper is the local Hamptons weekly that sits in tall stacks in front of every restaurant, grocery store and coffee shop from Southampton to Montauk during the summer season. (You won’t miss a single speck of intel on who was spotted where or who dined with whom at Nick & Toni’s in Easthampton if you grab it! Naughty pleasure.) Dan often seduces us with gorgeous cover photos and this one of the beautiful Atlantic is no exception. There is something unusual and mesmerizing about the light on the east end of Long Island – the kind of light that attracted the likes of Jackson Pollack to set up and paint out here – and Dan captured it perfectly on the cover of the Memorial Weekend edition. I couldn’t resist playing around with his seascape (so typical of what we are surrounded by every day and take for granted out here), and created dreamy layers of watery-blue for you, just like the ocean that’s five miles from my office. Not coincidentally, it relates pretty perfectly to our lagoon-suede Weekender loafers. Maybe I’ll call it ‘Seascape With Loafers’ or ‘Loafers In The Lagoon’? Either way, makes you want to dive right in, doesn’t it?